
The Brain

Whether you are young or you are older, there are things you can do to ensure that your mental acuity endures deep into your life. All of our brains change with age, but it does not necessarily have to be accompanied by cognitive impairment.

It is important to eat right, reduce your calories and you will lower your risks. Increase your physical and mental activity. Lower your blood pressure and control your blood sugar. Pay attention to your cholesterol levels.

You may also want to consider a low-dose aspirin regimen. Avoid tobacco use and reduce your alcohol intake. Care for your mental health and emotional wellness, including sound and adequate sleep. Even if you are an introvert, force yourself to socialize more.

It goes without saying; protect your head from injury. As you age, the risk of head injury once again increases to the level of when you were once more physically active with sports and exercise. As you age, your balance is not what it once was when your core was strong.

The article below from Harvard Health will provide you with more information and detail. In addition to that information, you should consider the use of some key supplements that can make dramatic differences as you mature.

The company, with which I am associated, has developed and manufactures a number of, frankly, incredible products including supplements for your brain, cholesterol reduction, omega oil and blood sugar control. I have been using them for years and can attest to the differences it has made it my mind and my body.


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